As the days line up one after another outside the door of tomorrow
with hours sorted and stacked in piles of do’s.
May you know how to count the preciousness of each moment and
not live the next before all of life is extracted from the present.

As interruptions come in every shape of the clouds calling for attention,
may you have the eyes to recognise the angels in disguise,
stop what you are doing and go out for coffee.
This may be your real work for the day!

As you become buried in your own sense of self importance,
may you speak words of praise to those who make you look so good and
words of encouragement to the wearied of hand and heart.
This will save you.

In the mundane minutes filled by the particulars of nothing,
may the child within you not forget how to play.
May your eyes sparkle with curiosity
with your heart always open to wonder and surprise.

At day’s end when you’re spent of  hours
and the shift worker of night has come,
surrender to the setting sun.
May the grace of darkness bring light to your body and soul in sleep.

Vella, Switzerland.

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