Year: 2013

  • First light

    Before the first light of morning, when only street lights notice, a world in waiting wakes, as darkness is bent towards the light, shadows go indoors for fear of being seen. As one set of blinds open another closes like sun shades, this fierce yet healing light splinters, reach deep into the souls shadows, terrifying […]

  • The invitation

    Come with me and stand before the dawn, let us be still, without words and wait, wrapped in the blanket of darkness within and without. Watch with me as sun splinters break into our worlds, to see and to be seen, never giving ourselves in total to the light, but residing in the threshold of shadows […]

  • Blessing Time

    As the days line up one after another outside the door of tomorrow with hours sorted and stacked in piles of do’s. May you know how to count the preciousness of each moment and not live the next before all of life is extracted from the present. As interruptions come in every shape of the […]

  • The promise

    There is a promisethat is carried throughout the agesand journeys the barren beauty of wilderness,the valleys of griefand the thresholds of new beginnings. Jerusalem’s pilgrim polished streets;cream red veined stoneand walls of prayerhave not forgottenthe promise. It comes to the listening earwearied by the sounds of many voices,now available to the one true voice that […]

  • Blind spots

    God bless my blind spots Bless the people whose eyes I cannot see, give to them surfeit grace that overlooks the blindness of my log jammed eyes. And while you bless them, may you also bless the naked image I see in the mirror as for the very first time, spotless.

  • A New Day

    With eyes acquainted with the dark may the first light of morning awaken within you a beautiful question; one that unlocks doors bolted by yesterday’s grief and the harsh and unforgiving words you have spoken to yourself. May the sun spill light into the cracks where the residue of darkness hides inviting you to walk […]

  • Lost and Found

    In this body of evidence no stone is left unturned, searching for clues left behind by an abandoned past. Memory is like that, dusting the corners in search of a word dislodged by the wind and rain. In the crowd of strangers I look for the face of a friend to find my place. It […]

  • Available to Grace

    When all is said and undone with plans nailed to the wall. When the well is dug dry with blisters in hand and life is a liturgy work without rest. Are you not worthy to receive without worth? With white flag raised; a soul surrendered is available to grace. Hands visible and invisible guiding the […]

  • The Return

    Walking backwards into the past I stumbled upon standing stones, guiding me on tomorrows way. Not seeing at first, I retraced my steps to discover where I had come from. Silent witnesses speaking from ancient pathways, rocks holding memory, wind breathing, and tidal cadence in perfect time with life’s first note. Bruised from the fall, […]

  • Bardsey Island

    Bardsey Island, known as the Isle of currents in Welsh (Ynys Enlli) and in English, Isle of Bards (Bardsey), located in the remote north west of Wales. Human history on this island dates back to the Neolithic age. From 429 AD the island became place of the Christian pilgrimage. Contemplation and ‘mortification of the flesh’ […]