
Go gently as you climb Máméan of Connamora.
Walk in a manner appropriate for the mountain
and for the greater good.
Take two hands,
one for the mountain and one for yourself.
Tread softly upon the ground.
With each step your foot will be received by creation’s waiting.
This ground will love you and wound you deeply.
There is no safe pass on this pilgrimage
do not be afraid
“I am” is with you.
Looking straight into the wind
allow the tears to flow across your face
as you remember
where you have come from
and the people who have gifted you with legacy.
When you stumble at the station of the cross
take the third hand,
the hand of grace
that lifts you back to your feet again.
Take off your shoes and stand still,
this is holy ground
and listening for the still small voice that calls your name
turn sideways into the wind,

and as you return to a world in waiting
go gently . . .

Máméan of Connamora
(For those in the know . . . John O’ Donohue country)

Ireland; 40 shades of green, the land, the music, the myth, the story, the scars and spirit has touched my soul with three drops of oil from the great salmon.