Hope, hurts and hungers of the crowd have found an ear,the powerless are empowered,listen to us.Words whispered in silence find their way to the lips of one who would lead,the voiceless find a voice,speak for us.Mist that veils the future, locks in the past as if ever present is dispelled,the blind see – vision paints a […]
The easiest way to increase your IQ is to join forces with another great mind.
I was kissed by the rising sun, I climbed a mountain, stood on its crown and raised my arms in surrender. I rode a Harley one thousand miles. I sailed to the edge of the world where the land lost its sight. I walked on golden sands, swam in a symphony of tropical colour. I […]
Go back to the mountains and let them speak of your vulnerabilities, of plans and purposes that have not felt the cutting wind, or been tested by fire and ice. Gather your thoughts in the clouds and see if you can’t hold them by the power of your own understanding. Stand still in the silence […]
I did not choose this story of discordant elements, a script handed to me, tangled with time and circumstance. But . . . I did choose defiance, to dig deep and hold on with tight, white-knuckled, determination, because you said, “You’ll never amount to anything”.
Unwrapping God, as the coloured clothes of creation are stripped back, revealing naked beauty of form, contour, and shades of darkness and light. Behind mystery’s veil, you catch a glimpse of heaven’s secrets, for those who would, see and believe.