
Bardsey Island, known as the Isle of currents in Welsh (Ynys Enlli) and in English, Isle of Bards (Bardsey), located in the remote north west of Wales. Human history on this island dates back to the Neolithic age. From 429 AD the island became place of the Christian pilgrimage.

Contemplation and ‘mortification of the flesh’ was seen as the way to achieve a vision of heavenly things. It is believed that the spirits of the dead depart from the west making Bardsey an ideal place for pilgrimage. It is said that 20,000 saints are buried on the island. Three pilgrimages to Bardsey was equal to one to Rome!

If you are looking for shelter from the sun or the wind g won’t find any here. There is only one tree on the Island. What you will find however, is an Isle of intrigue, mystery, wildness and natural beauty.

Bardsey Island also holds a fascination with the meeting of the Church of Rome and the local Celtic spirituality. While the Roman Abby is in ruins the Celtic spirit is still present today.

This is not a tick box destination, once you have been once you will need to return at least two more times.