Month: January 2012

  • The Muse

    Every now and then, you need to hear another voice from one who sees through all the facade, who can cut steel with a knife and evoke hope, in the most desolate desert. She sits down softly beside you and whispers of disappointed dreams and adventures that did not have the courage to leave home. […]

  • The Priest

    Sometimes words are too small to capture the magnitude of our life together. Words like . . . Gratitude Fear Failure Betrayal Pain Loss Grief Celebration Hope Wonder Intimacy Community These words belong to the priest, who collects then in the chalice of human experience, and offers them as wine to nourish the soul.

  • The Poet

    Who has time to read between the lines and tell the untold story? Who can foresee the changing seasons by the falling of a single leaf? Who has the courage to tell the emperorĀ  he is naked? Who has the strength to do the heavy lifting, with silence? Who is the one in your organization […]

  • The Prophet

    Like lightening in a bottle,the prophet speaks against all odds.A force of nature striking the gods of Babylon into a thousand splinters.Undefinable by the org chart,untamable by the bureaucracy,wild at heart,tender of hand,the prophet speaks ofinjustice and hope.The prophet sees with eyes on fire a land of promise and plentyyet is fierce in conversation about […]